Saturday, March 19, 2011

BMI Calculator: pensaiko diri sendiri

aku terjumpa menatang ni kat bmi club. nak jugek mensaiko diri. kat situ ada boleh nampak bentuk badan kita berubah ye kalau tetiba berat mendadak naik. macam lucah je gambar. tapi pedulik. benda ni kasi semangat aku. sangattt!

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated with the formula weight divided by height in meter to square. To make it easy for visitor of your web page to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI), use the BMI Gadget/BMI-Club in your website . Please take also a look at Waist circumference.
Thank you for using the Body Mass Index calculator of BMI-Club.

visual agak lucah. sorii